Our Services
At Fox Traffic, we offer a wide range of off-the-shelf services for you to choose from. If that is not what you are looking for, we also offer customised solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Please feel free to contact us for details.

Automatic Traffic Counting Systems (ATC)
It is ideal especially for a longer term traffic flow study as the counts are conducted by placing cables across the roadway, usually for a 24-hour period or for, as long as, a week, recording the number of vehicles traveling in a specific direction.
The ATC is a sophisticated count mechanism that is able to capture vehicle direction, traffic speed and even the vehicle type. With our highly trained and experienced teams we can quickly identify the best and safest spot to install the system in order to carry out a productive and effective survey.

Video Services
Video Survey is one of the most reliable and accurate way to conduct a traffic survey. As once it record we have analysis the video a number of times to check the accuracy and more importantly is can be act as a prove to show that the data we collect are base according to the job requirement. Since the day we establish we always have a tremendous work force which manages by experience project manager Mr Chin to cope with small to large scale of job scope.

Manual Classified Count (MCC)
This is usually conducted at signalized intersections by our team during the rush hours or hours required using an electronic count board or clicker. Information is collected for all vehicular (which categorise into Car, Taxi, LGV, OGV 1, OGV 2, PSV, MC and PC) by direction.

Pedestrian Counts
Our team can count pedestrian movements at the intersections and identifying their left, right or forward directions. We can also categorise them by children, adult and senior if required.

Queue Length Surveys
We will measure the length of queues from signalised intersections. If the queue is too long, our enumerator will proceed to identify any stationary or moving queue. This has proven to a simple but effective way to ensure accurate data is captured.

Journey Time Surveys (including Bus Times)
Journey time and bus journey time surveys usually involve one or two-man teams with timing points (TPs), stopwatches and paper survey sheets. By being in the vehicle, our team can track accurately the time spent travelling from one point to another.

Car Park Monitoring
Our team would monitor each vehicle moving in and out of a car park for a specified period of time. This would provide information like volume of vehicles in the car park as well as the duration of stay of individual vehicles in that car park. This survey is usually undertaken at supermarkets, retail outlets and hospitals.

Parking Beat Surveys
This survey can be subjective and would usually depend on the objectives of our client. Generally, we record vehicle registrations and categorise these into various parking categories. Some times, we use colour codes to provide further identification – again, this will depend on the objective of the survey. Unlike the Car Park Monitoring survey, this does not have to be within a confined area.

Vehicle Occupancy Surveys
Vehicle occupancy surveys provide a means for monitoring the level of vehicle sharing (buses, vans or cars) to draw up the level of car usage behaviour in a specific area.

Questionnaire Surveys
We have a team of market researchers who are readily available to perform questionnaire type surveys for our clients. As all surveys are unique, we make sure our staffs understand the questionnaire thoroughly before we start the survey.

Customized Solutions
Please feel free to contact us for a free consultation.